How it began…
When I attended gigs, I usually took pics with my compact camera. Mostly crappy pics as concerts are very difficult to photograph: low light, moving artists (and some artists seem to have loooooaaaads of energy!) and distance to the ‘object’. But I kinda kept taking pics every time. I recently went through most of them and I deleted all of them, as they don’t match my quality standards anymore!
Later on I took some photography classes and here again concert photography showed up in some of my assignments. For instance, I did a series around Heather of The Jezabels in the Ancienne Belgique in Brussels. These are also taken with a compact camera. As you can see, there are quite a few similar pictures and there is lots of room for improvement.
In January I started my Wolf Sets Fire website and that somehow gave me the extra push to focus on concert photography. I have learned quite a lot in the past few months and it makes me happy to notice that the artists like my work by giving a like on my Instagram account and by sharing my pics on Instagram or by asking me for the photographs.
Here’s an example of Cursed Earth singer Jazmine who shared my pic of their recent Antwerp gig:
Where it will lead…
So now I started this journey, and learned so much just doing it and watching fellow concert photographers and reading about it, I hope to take it to the next level!
So, if you like my work and want to cooperate (bands, magazines, online media, …), drop me a line! I’m looking forward to new opportunities to keep improving my skills and work!